Wondering if

You Can Homeschool ?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the thought of sending your kids back to school BUT you’re feeling equally overwhelmed with the idea of homeschooling?

I get it, it’s a huge decision and figuring out how to start can be quite overwhelming!

Soderstrom Family

Hi, I’m Tricia Soderstrom, a twenty year homeschool veteran and I want to invite you to join me for a “Homeschool How To!” 

I’m going to show you step-by-step how to get started with homeschooling! 

This course shows you how to get started, how to choose a curriculum, how to set up your homeschool and how to keep your sanity while doing it.

You’ll also get access to my personal database of homeschool resources with links and access to my private Learn to Homeschool Facebook group where you can have your questions answered and get the support you need.

It’s like getting a homeschool consultant at a fraction of the cost!

Join me and let me help you learn How to Homeschool! 

Are you ready?
Let's Go!

Your Instructor

Tricia is a twenty year veteran homeschool mom who  began homeschooling her children when her oldest daughter entered the first grade. She knew this was the right thing to do when she noticed that her daughter was losing her love for learning. 

As an early reader her daughter had to sit at a side desk during most of her kindergarten class. When Tricia asked the teacher why, she was told that none of the other children could read and the teacher needed to devote her time helping those children.

After their first year of homeschooling Tricia and her husband knew this was the right lifestyle choice for their family.

Tricia homeschooled her four children even through their family’s ten year battle with chronic Lyme disease. Her three daughters are Homeschool High School graduates and Tricia is currently homeschooling her son.

Tricia has a passion to help other moms learn to homeschool with joy and confidence.

Tricia Soderstrom headshot

Find Tricia Here

Tricia shares her homeschool expertise with the homeschool community around the world. She is a recognized speaker and writer on many homeschool platforms and conferences. Tricia also discusses the challenges of homeschooling with chronic illness.


This is a brand new course. If you would like your review listed here email Tricia@aboundinginhopewithlyme.com

Your Review Here


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Just your computer. All course material is stored on a privately owned website so there is no need to register for any other platform.

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